Saturday, 12 September 2015
Arturo Pérez Reverte
Europe - or whatever we wish to call this warm realm of rights and freedoms, of economic and social welfare -is broken inside and threatened from outside. It neither knows how to, nor can, nor wants to and perhaps should not even try to defend itself. We are living in the absurd paradox of feeling sorry for the barbarians, even cheering them on, and at the same time pretending that our comfortable way of life will go on intact...
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
The war hysteria we saw a few months ago in the United States must have set off alarm bells in Russia. Therefore, we should expect Russia to be as quiet as possible for the next six to twelve months while they deploy their missiles, and once they are in place, then we may well enter into the greatest existential crisis in the history of the west
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Guillermo Barba
Inteligencia Financiera Global Blog (Global Financial Intelligence Blog) is honored to present another exclusive interview now with GATA’s Bill Murphy
Friday, 24 January 2014
Guillermo Barba
Global Financial Intelligence Blog is honored to present an exclusive interview with the entrepreneur Hugo Salinas Price. We are sure our readers from around the world will enjoy it
Friday, 13 December 2013
Guillermo Barba
Mexico officially joined this credit expansion policy through the Senate’s approval of the 'Financial Reform'. The Mexican Government brags shamelessly about the objective of this reform: government wants banks to lend at “increasingly cheaper rates” with the simplistic argument that “they don’t lend enough.” Great!